Does your child meltdown from the moment they get into the car or walk through the door after a day at day-care/kindy/school?
Did you know most parents experience these meltdowns and tantrums as soon as their children either get in the car or walk through the door? This is actually a normal occurrence as you, Mum AND/OR Dad are their safe space. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t in a safe space at day-care/kindy/school but you are their “safe space” and someone who they trust, love and feel most comfortable with. Now, whilst they have been at day-care/kindy/school they have been surrounded by so many other adults, children, rules, routines, expectations that unknowingly as soon as they see you or feel they are in a “safe space” the tightly compressed top comes off and everything that they have contained emotionally, physically, and mentally throughout the day erupts like a huge volcano and you cop the long meltdowns and tantrums.
Let me put it this way, school students are required to sit at a desk for a decent amount of time for learning benefits or sit still and cross-legged for story time because that is the classroom expectation (and there is good scientific reasoning behind this, but we won’t get into that just now) whereas your home environment allows them to choose where and how they “be”. It allows freedom as to when and what they can play and do. It enables them to be as loud or as quiet as they choose, whenever they choose, without the expectation of “structure” in this sense.
There are no structured or controlled restrictions on them at home and they know you being Mum AND/OR Dad are there to care for them. To keep them safe. To love them. They are in control of their own choices and outlets of emotions (within normal reason, of course).
HANDY TIP - It is not often ideal timing (I know, I know) but actually having a bath or shower as soon as they get homes helps regulate their emotions IMMERSELY!!! And to add to that the wet weight of a bath shirt adds as a double win because the wet weight acts as a form of pressure stimulation. Pressure stimulation stimulates the production of a mood-boosting hormone (serotonin), it reduces cortisol, which is our stress hormone, and also increases our bodies melatonin levels which help us sleep. All of which calms us down and in turn enables you to minimise the meltdowns and tantrums.
CHALLENGE – If you are a parent who fights to get homework done try sending them for a shower or bath before afternoon tea and before you try and get them to do their homework. You will be surprised with the difference that a bath or shower can make to your afternoon after a big day at daycare/kindy/school.
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